Rösti in all its variations!
It doesn't matter if you have no idea what Rösti taste like, come and try. For example our tasty Mexican Rösti (hot hot hot) or try a journey into the eastern realms with our Special Rösti 2019. We also offer classic Rösti such as fried egg or ham and cheese.
(Attention !!! We assume no liability for any resulting addictions for the dishes mentioned above ;).
So come and see for yourself!
We are happy to accept your reservation.
Rösti mexican
Rösti special 2019
Rösti Greek style
Are you planning a confirmation, birthday or assembly? We arrange your event.
Just ask, we are happy to help!
Coming soon
Dear guests,
we soon hope to present you our new multifunctional hall. Events such as birthday parties, conferences and even up to yoga units find their place in this room. The room has modern equipment and we also can create a catering adapted to your event (buffet, etc.).
We have a music system, beamer, hall furniture, swing floor ... and and and :)
Are you interested in planning your event with us?
Just contact us. We take care of your request and make every celebration an unforgettable experience.
Contact us
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Restaurant Hotel Terrasse
Nessental 55
3863 Gadmen